Litigation and arbitration
\ Before most of the competent jurisdictions and authorities
\ Both at the pre-litigation and litigation stages
\ In a judicial framework or in the framework of alternate dispute resolution proceedings chosen by the parties (arbitration, mediation, conciliation, etc.)

CWA Maghreb has the capability to organize the defence and representation of its clients before all civil, commercial, labour, criminal and administrative jurisdictions. They also act in the framework of private ad hoc or institutional (ICC…) arbitration proceedings. In this respect, CWA Maghreb’s members are particularly aware of the increasing role that alternative dispute resolution tools are to play in the settlement of disputes.
\ General commercial litigation
\ Disputes between shareholders and managers’ liability
\ Civil enforcement procedures, notably interim protective measures and enforcement measures, as well as exequatur procedures and execution of rulings
\ Unfair competition proceedings
\ Employment law litigation
\ Real estate litigation